
How to prevent skin breakouts on your wedding day

Preventing skin breakouts
Preventing skin breakouts

Eliminate certain foods before your wedding day

In recent years there has been an ever growing awareness that caffeine and dairy products can trigger acne in some people. Caffeine is believed to cause skin breakouts because it causes internal chemical imbalance. In the run up to your wedding day, try swapping (and we know this may be a challenge for the caffeine-dependent among you) your morning coffees for herbal teas such as green or peppermint. If you find such teas to be an acquired taste, then opting for decaffeinated coffee is still a step in the right direction.

Top up your vegetable intake before your wedding day

Our advice to anyone who suffers from acne or spots is to clean up their diet. Every bride wants flawless skin so this means eliminating highly processed foods and choose easily digestible foods instead. These include leafy greens such as spinach and kale, as well as fruits and grains such as quinoa and millet. If you’re food shopping and unsure what to choose, try to just opt for those foods that grow naturally. Understandably, your wedding planning schedule will take up most of your time, so a bride’s best friend should be juicer. Investing in such kitchen appliances will help you to consume enough fruit and veg without it feeling like a chore – leaving you with more time to choose your veil and shoes!

Keep calm and de-stressed before your wedding day

This is much easier said than done as a bride-to-be, as there will be so much on your mind. But it’s a known fact that acne can be triggered by mental or emotional stress. We could all do with less stress in our lives, but luckily, much of it is easily addressed. Consider meditation, yoga, deep breathing and regular exercise to ease your stress levels, and hopefully improve your complexion. It is also important to supplement your diet with Vitamin C during periods of stress, as it depletes in the body during periods of high stress. This will not only help your skin health, but your overall health and wellbeing too.

Choose the right products to be a fresh-faced bride

When trying to get rid of spots there is often a lot of trial and error involved, especially when it comes to choosing the right skincare products. Every case of acne is unique and individual, just and we are, so what works for one person may not be necessarily be effective for the next. Before working on healing and balancing our internal body, make sure you remove all possible external factors that could be contributing towards the skin problem. After all, if breakouts are being caused by external reasons, they are usually far easier to treat and prevent. Quite often, brides who suffer with acne or pimples tend to opt for the strongest, astringent, chemical-based products available, in desperation to try and dry up their skin before their wedding day. However applying astringents will only stimulate the sebaceous glands, which will produce more sebum in response, leading to more spots.

Top tips to be a blemish-free bride

Never squeeze spots! If you squeeze spots it can cause re-infection by spreading under the skin, leading to more breakouts. It also causes skin scarring and blemishes. Cleanse your skin twice a day and if you are wearing make-up, do make sure you remove it all before bed. If you can still see traces of make-up on your cotton pad after toning you should cleanse and tone one more time. Change your towels and face clothes daily to avoid bacteria and germs being rubbed on your skin. When drying your skin with a towel, pat the skin dry and do not rub it, to avoid acne spreading further. Change bed sheets at least once a week. It is also a good idea to place a clean towel or muslin cloth on your pillow each night, reducing the possibility of germs and bacteria being transferred on to your skin. Most oily-skinned brides avoid using moituriser as they feel it will worsen their spots. However, nourishing your skin with cream is one of the best ways to care for your skin. If you want to avoid the shine on your skin’s surface, opt for using night cream instead. Read more on
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