Prepare to cringe: Bryan Clay uses javelin skills in new way

When your dad's an Olympic gold medalist, nothing is typical. Not even the simple act of pulling out a loose tooth.

Former decathlete Bryan Clay, who gold in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, made sure daughter Ellie will never forget losing her tooth. He tied one end of a string to a javelin, the other to her tooth. The rest is fairily self explanatory.

If you're squemish, maybe don't watch this video. Ellie looks slightly terrified at first, but then she smiles and say "bye" to the tooth.

The best part is that Ellie didn't even seem to feel it. After her dad tossed it, her mom asks if it came out.

"It did!" she says, seeming just as surprised as everyone else as she touches her finger to the gap where her tooth used to be.

Like everything posted online, the video drew some criticism.

Fans jumped in to support him, though. It's really not all that different from moms and dad tying a string to a doorknob - he just used cooler tools. And to those wondering if she missed out on the tooth fairy, there's nothing to worry about.

As he told the BBC, "She absolutely loved it."