Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Treatment Review

Woman checking the size of her waist
Woman checking the size of her waist

What is Weight Loss Hypnotherapy?

Ideal for people who just can’t seem to stick to a diet despite all their good intentions, weight loss hypnotherapy can help you erase the negative thoughts and habits that may be holding you back. From overeating or compulsive snacking, many types of behaviour can benefit from this treatment.

What does it involve?

It involves committing to an hour long hypnotherapy sessions (3 for a maximum result), and if needed, you can have monthly top up sessions to keep you focussed.

Hypnotherapist Sarah Dales recommends that appointments are no less than a week apart to make them most effective. Sessions involve being coaxed into a state of deep relaxation, and envisioning your future self, in both successful and unsuccessful scenarios.

Old thought patterns are erased and positive mantras used to replace negative thinking. The sessions last approximately an hour, but seem to go much more quickly.

What happens afterwards?

You are encouraged to keep a food diary and use mantras to affirm the results of your sessions. After an initial discussion to establish your eating patterns, Dales also gives good nutritional advice to help you stay on track. Skype sessions are also available for those people unable to attend in person.

What kind of results can be expected?

Our tester said: "It took a few days for me to feel the effects but I have definitely been helped by it. Although I still struggle with some of my food choices, I no longer snack all day long and feel less compulsive.

I found Sarah very informative about food (I wasn't eating enough for breakfast and on her advice changed my routine; now I can go through until lunchtime) and reassuring as a therapist."

Does it work for everyone?

It only really works for people who are committed to making a change. Dales has a high success rate within this group.

Where can I get it done?

We had the treatment at S M Dales Hypnotherapy Centre, No 1 Harley Street, London.

Red Rating 8/10

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy: How much?

Weight Loss Hynpnotheray with SM Dales cost £150 per session, or £325 for a set of three sessions.


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