New index rates Dubai firms for customer friendliness

A shop attendant helps a customer with a laptop. Dubai has released the results of the first customer service study in the emirate.

Dubai has taken the first step on a journey to improving the way consumers across the emirate are treated - by naming companies it says have happy shoppers rather than crazed consumers.

The Department of Economic Development (DED) yesterday revealed the results of the first-ever index that ranks Dubai businesses based on consumer-friendliness.
While the project examines only 24 firms so far, there are plans to expand the survey next year.

The first index focused on hypermarkets, car dealers and electronics retailers - as these make up 60 per cent of consumer spending in Dubai, says the DED’s Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection division.

When the votes and anecdotes of 1,700 Dubai consumers were in, Juma Al Majid automobiles, seller of Hyundai and Kia vehicles, came top of the pile. Lulu Hypermarkets topped the hypermarket sector and bagged the electronics honours too. Other retailers named among those getting it right were Carrefour, electronics experts Emax, and Al Nabooda Automobiles.

Firms were judged on consumer satisfaction and perception of their business; the number of consumer complaints received and the time they took to solve the complaint; and how their prices compared to competitors.

The project was spearheaded by CCCP and its deputy CEO Mohammed Lootah said the time taken to solve customer complaints was a key factor as it “indicates customer relations and culture of the outlet”.

He hopes that by ranking Dubai’s firms in an index every year, firms will learn how to better serve consumers.

While firms were picked out for good service, the DED did not name and shame those with a bad reputation.

7DAYS readers had their own thoughts on the firms getting customer service right, with Emirates Airline, facilities management firm Emrill and RTA scoring positive mentions.

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