Mountain Quests clinic: First step to white water adventure

Mountain Quests clinic: First step to white water adventure

Have you ever wondered how it would feel to kayak through some of the world’s most iconic rivers, on rapids created by ancient glacial melt-water? Do you dream of learning how to navigate white water but don’t know where to start?

Mountain Quests are holding a clinic to teach you how to kayak in the UAE’s premier white water centre, Wadi Adventure in Al Ain before tackling the real deal in Nepal.

A free information session will be held at Adventure HQ on August 4 to explain to people what promises to be an experience of a lifetime.

Matt Farr from Mountain Quests will give an introduction and an overview of the trip, Fergus Coffey from Wadi Adventure will discuss the six-week training programme while Ian Ganderton will talk about what products you’ll need, as well as recount a personal experience of kayaking in Nepal.

The kayak clinic will be held at Wadi Adventure starting mid-August through to late October before participants join the Mountain Quests team in a trip to Nepal where they can brave the beautiful white water rivers there and apply what they learnt during their training.

No previous kayaking experience is required as the team will provide you with all the skills you need to be safe as well as have fun and navigate your own way down grade two and three rapids.

The idea is to try and create a kayaking community here in the UAE and get more people involved in adventure sport.

“We have always strived to offer our clients adventures that are new and unique,” says Farr. “While we love to offer people once in a lifetime journeys, we also want them to learn new skills and passions along the way.

“The Kayak Clinic is designed to not only provide a life-changing adventure, but to allow our customers to go forward with a new skill that they can keep enjoying for the rest of their lives.”

This expedition will take the participants from Dubai to Kathmandu, before making their way to the Upper Sun Kosi River, spending three days on grade two and three rapids.

They will camp along the banks of the river, in two-person tents, with all meals cooked for them as they go along. There will be guides and porters for the duration of the whole trip in Nepal to lead the participants in all their activities such as trekking, rafting, sightseeing and more.

“We have built the trip as an introduction to white water kayaking for those who have only trained at an artificial facility – such as Wadi Adventure in the UAE,” explains Farr. “This is our first short trip to get accustomed to the real rapids and feel of a river, as opposed to a custom-built facility where we learn the skills to kayak.”

If you’re interested in having your first kayaking adventure, head to the information session at Adventure HQ at Times Square Center on August 4 at 19:30.

They will offer a discounted kayak taster session for every attendee along with some exciting giveaways.

What: Kayak training at Wadi Adventure for a kayaking expedition in Nepal
Where: Information session at Adventure HQ, Times Square Center; clinic at Wadi Adventure
When: August 4, 19:30. Training from August 16 to October 25. Nepal trip from October 31 to November 4.
Information: Call Mountain Quests at 043682687, Adventure HQ at 043466824. Email

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