8 Habits of Highly Creative People

What makes a person creative? While creativity can be found in all areas of the workforce, some common fundamental characteristics can be highlighted. Following his recent field studies, Professor Oyvind L. Martinsen, from BI Norwegian Business School, underlined several personality traits that are recurrent in creative people.
1. Complex thinkers
Creative people don’t just take things for granted. They are curious by nature and constantly question topics they don’t understand. They analyze the whole picture, not just parts of it.
2. Rebellious
Inventive people have a natural aversion to rules and conventional behaviour. Their constant need for originality and nonconformist attitude towards life allow them precisely to do things nobody else does. However, their eagerness to break the rules is often calculated.
3. Passionate
Creative people feel the need to produce and are constantly tackling difficult issues. Not only are they passionate about their activities, they also strive to reach a successful outcome.
4. Ambitious
Being successful is not enough. Creativity is also characterised by the need to be influential, as well as to attract attention and recognition.
5. Flexible
When obstacles materialize during the production process, creative people will find a new method in order to reach their goal. Like chameleons, they are capable of adapting to change.
6. Liars
Creative people lie more, due to their need to justify their actions. If most creative people deny their lying tendency, it is because their perception of telling the truth is different than for the majority. They feel they can justify replacing the truth.
7. Emotionally unstable
Ingenious people are usually not very popular. While their constant mood swings fuel their ingenuity, they also create conflict in social contexts. Quick to find fault in others, creative individuals often give off negative emotions. Various studies have tried to link creativity to mental disorders without fully succeeding.
8. Spontaneous
Although plans can be made, they can also be changed. Creative people are not afraid to modify their projects when need be, or if something new catches their eye.
Article:     © Sarah Zeines / Atcna
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